Sunday Stills Challenges – #Weather While Traveling, Whether You Like It Or Not


Sunday Stills Challenges – #Weather

Here is our entry for Terri’s Sunday Stills Challenge with #Weather. Share your thoughts with us.
This was all part of our seven-month journey around the world in 2018. To see more about this trip check it out here.

During our 7-month backpacking trip Around-The-World in 2018 we always liked to add an extra day in case of inclement weather. It was a good rule of thumb to travel by as time constraints and budgets are major factors during a backpacking trip. Throughout the 7-months we experienced weather ranging from tropical to sub 0° degrees.

Waiting out the storm at Blåfjell mining cave in Norway
Calm before the storm over the lake in Norway
Rain pattering on the beautiful lakes around Blåfjell, Norway
Snow atop the hilly mountains in Norway but it was warm enough for short sleeves
Dark and stormy clouds; storm brewing over the Parthenon in Athens, Greece
Lukla Airport in Nepal (start of our Everest Base Camp trek) – One of the world’s most dangerous airports due to low visibility and a short uphill landing strip. We were fortunate to have been able to take this helicopter when our flight got canceled due to weather. This was one of the most thankful days of our lives. (Thank you Andre for organizing the helicopter and letting us join your group).
So hot after several hours of hiking in the Nepalese Himalayas as the sun beats off the snowy mountains
The Blue-backed Fairy Bluebird lives in the wetter part of India. (This was during our hike in the Himalayas of Nepal)
Clouds blanket the incredible mountains in Kala Pather, Nepal
Stunning view of Mount Everest after the cloud cover passed
On a rainy and cloudy day we found happiness in a heart shaped rock we found during our hike in the Himalayas
The day we arrived at our teahouse in Tengboche, Nepal
The first night we arrived in Tengboche there was a scary snowstorm with loud thunder. This is the same spot as above covered in snow only 12 hours later the following morning.
Rain made the trail of our hike in the Himalayas more messy and difficult. Luckily, we were prepared with coverings for our backpacks, bodies, and my hair.
This poor adorable koala taking shelter during intense rainfall in the trees of the jungle on Magnetic Island, Australia. (Kurt’s phone was not so lucky this day as it died from being waterlogged).
Rainfall over Arthur Bay Lookout on Magnetic Island, Australia
The best thing after rain, a rainbow. This was in Fiordland National Park, New Zealand.
Even cold, cold rains can’t wipe the smile off this guy, how could you not be happy in Milford Sound, New Zealand??
This is one of the only few times I was thankful for rain, as the rainfall only made these voluminous waterfalls bigger and better in the amazing Milford Sound, New Zealand.
Wind is not a girl’s best friend in Milford Sound, New Zealand
No-one likes flying during a rainfall, but between it all, we got this view of the mountains and lake in Te Anau, New Zealand
Smooth and continuous lava flow from Kilauea volcano in Big Island, Hawai’i
Steam plumes arising from the volcano grounds became substantially more dangerous when added with rain. Kurt peddling as fast as he can to get out of the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park in Big Island, Hawai’i.
Soaking in the cold rain on top of 800-foot cascading Waipo’o Falls, Hawai’i
I strongly dislike rain when it makes my shoes muddy and hiking even more slippery than usual. This was during our hike of Waipo’o Falls, Hawai’i
Ah, the typical gorgeous weather of Santorini, Greece. This we can take any day.
Emerald Lakes, New Zealand – Cold rain mixing with the very acidic lake
Rain making it more difficult as we climbed unpaved volcanic scree on this unmarked path in Tongariro National Park, New Zealand



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